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Making Money with Early Access to Your Books

By Michael Evans on May 27, 2023.

As an author, you might be looking for ways to monetize your writing and build a strong readership. One effective way to achieve these goals is through early access to content in your subscription.

This means providing stories to your paid subscribers before releasing them elsewhere.

Today, we will discuss the process of early access and five actionable steps you can take to make money with this model.

Step 1: Choose a Content-Type and Schedule

Decide what type of content you want to offer your subscribers early access to. While today we’ll be focusing on serialized fiction, you can also offer early access to blog posts, newsletter/WIP updates, audiobooks, and comic books/web comics.

Once you have chosen your content type, decide on a release schedule.

Some authors release new chapters three to five times per week, while others offer early access to chapters a few times per month. It’s important to choose a release cadence that you can sustainably keep up with.

Step 2: Set Up Tiers

Now it’s time to set up different tiers of pricing for your subscribers.

For example, readers on Tier 3 may pay $15 per month and get early access to chapters two months ahead of time, while paid subscribers of Tiers 1 and 2 get early access to chapters one month ahead of time.

This way, readers can choose the pricing tier that fits their budget and get the level of early access that they desire.

Step 3: End Chapters in Cliffhangers

To encourage readers to become paid subscribers, end your chapters in cliffhangers. This makes them need to read more of your story, which they can do by becoming a paid subscriber or waiting for the release on other platforms. This will keep readers engaged and invested in your story.

Step 4: Offer Beta Feedback Opportunities

One underrated benefit of early access is that you can receive “beta” feedback from your readers. As you provide early access to your biggest fans, take their feedback and make your final draft better before you release it on other platforms.

Use this content to recruit more readers into your subscription. This feedback loop will help you improve your writing and keep your readers happy.

Step 5: Market Your Early Access Content

Marketing is crucial to the success of your early-access content. Use social media and your newsletter to promote your subscription and offer exclusive previews of upcoming chapters or content to your followers.

In this fireside chat with Alana Albertson, we talk all about growing a readership for serialized fiction. And in this fireside chat with Anne Janzer we chat all about Subscription Marketing.

Main Takeaway

Early access content is a great way to monetize your writing and build a strong readership.

By following these five actionable steps, you can successfully implement early access content in your subscription.

Remember to choose a content type and schedule that you can sustainably keep up with, set up different tiers of pricing for your subscribers, end chapters in cliffhangers, and market your early access content.

With these strategies in place, you can create a loyal following of readers who are eager to read your next release.

Best of luck to you all and happy writing! If you ever have any questions about subscriptions, we are always happy to help inside the Subscriptions for Authors Facebook Group.